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We are all, unfortunately, well used to women making false allegations against men of rape and other sexual assaults.

A degree of evidence which supports this practice is a statistic recently published by the Ministry  of Justice which says that only 1 out of every 65 rape claims actually gets to court.

Just how many of these were not proceeded with because the police or Crown Prosecution Service  considered them to be false – official terminology is “insufficient evidence” – is not known. But just one should be enough to warrant changes in the law, and it is  certain there were many, many more.

There are a great many reasons why women make false accusations about rape. One is disgust with themselves and shame after allowing intercourse. Another is the realisation they have had sex but don’t know if they consented or not because they were too drunk to remember. Another is vengeance or sheer spite. But there are at least 71 million others.

According to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority £71 million a year is being paid out to victims of sexual abuse. It is big business, and one way of getting a shed load of money is to get someone convicted in court of an offence.

The law on false claims must be tightened up and there is a lesson to be learned from the authorities in Cyprus.

A 19 year old women – yes, a Brit – accused no less than 12 young Israeli  men of gang rape. All 12 were arrested. Three of them immediately admitted they had had sex with the women but said it was consensual. Five youths were released after DNA tests. The remaining 7 were let go after, according to police, the woman:”changed her story”.

The woman now faces serious charges in Cyprus and her victims say they are going to sue her for, among other civilian offences, libel. She may well go to prison and face a big bill when she comes out. It would be fitting if her life is as ruined as she intended the lives of her victims would be ruined. They have already been badly affected.

If anyone who faces trial in England for any alleged crime on the evidence of one person and is found “not guilty” then it should be assumed that the accuser has given false evidence. It is “not guilty” – there is no verdict in England of “not proven” as there is in Scotland.

The accuser should face court for attempting to pervert the course of justice and, if found guilty, should go to prison. Persons found guilty of such a crime can get as many as 7 years which is the sort of term a convicted rapist can expect. That would indeed be justice.


Here are the names of just a few young men who have had their lives ruined by women who have falsely accused them of rape. They are named here only because they have all opted for publicity to expose this dreadful wrong doing:- Leo Mahon – James Martin – Thady Duff – Patrick Foster – George Worrall – Lewis Tappenden – Gerald Laryea – Zach Kibirige – Joshua Lines – Louis Richardson – Kato Harris – Prithvi Srid and George Owen.





This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. Maybe the real reason most rape cases don’t go to court is because most rape is commited by someone that the woman already has a relationship with, rather than a violent stranger on the street. And it therefore difficult to prove as it’s her word against his. Idiot.

    1. Hi Laura. Thanks for your response to this item although why you have to end intelligent comment with an insult beats me but please keep reading – and writing! Dot Wells.

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